12th April. Happy.... (in spite of everything)

Happy. I think I’d forgotten what it felt like.

I heard myself say that sentence in my head. A lot to reflect on! But, even at face value this photo captures so much. It was on Monday this week, 12 April, the first day of lockdown easing and being able to sit outside a cafe. With coffee in a real cup. I happen to be at Open House Deli with its focus on local sustainable food exemplifies how independent businesses have had to adapt and change during the pandemic, many successfully. Also in the photo, a banner for Bespoke Biking, a social enterprise specialising in helping more people to cycle which has become symbolic as a practical and much needed response to finding healthier ways of living. And Debenhams is in the background. So much more than a shop it has shaped our High Street and is the place so many of us relate to, and now it is closing down. A social commentary captured in a snapshot.

If you’d like time to hear yourself think and reflect on all the things that are going on for you, in life and at work, please get in touch either for a Pause Hour or for one-to-one coaching.
