There seem to be a lot of shifts taking place at the moment. Not only are we about to go through another political upheaval with the General Election but we’re also coming up to the end of a year – in fact, a whole decade. I always feel like these pivotal points in time represent a moment for positive reflection, looking back over the past 10 years as well as forward to 2030. There is a lot that can be achieved with the right approach, as long as you’re seeing clearly.
A clear vision for 2020 – 2030
What do you want from 2020 – and also from the next decade? If trying to answer that question makes you feel uncomfortable or even slightly panicky then it may be that your vision isn’t quite as clear as it needs to be. It’s only with clarity on what we want to do next that we can really begin to move towards it. After all, how can you achieve your goals for the next decade if you don’t know what they are?
Defining the way ahead – 3 steps
1. Do look back. There is no benefit to living in the past but it’s also something that we can definitely learn from. The process of planning for the future should always begin with a brief examination of the past. In particular, when you look back over the past few years what would you like to do less of, what should feature more in your future and what kind of progress do you feel that you haven’t made but would like to? Looking back can also highlight just how much can change in a period of time like a decade – so when you’re making plans for 2020-2030 don’t be afraid to be ambitious and go for what you really want. With the right vision you’ve got plenty of time to make it happen.
2. Take a moment. The Power of the Pause is a theme in all of my coaching sessions right now. It has such an incredible and lasting impact in so many different situations, whether you’re collecting your thoughts before a meeting or planning your strategy for the next year. I would highly recommend finding a few moments to stop and pause before we enter into the next decade. That might be before the madness of Christmas hits or in that lull between Christmas and the New Year. At the start of my coaching sessions I tend to pause for 4 minutes but you can choose a length of time that works for you. Use these moments to reflect on what has gone before and see what comes up in terms of what you want from the future.
3. Work with a coach. Particularly if you are feeling directionless at this moment in time the support of a professional coach could be a transformative experience. I am currently offering regular coaching and specific “pause times,” constructed in such a way as to help you think about experiences over the past 10 years and to focus in on what is going to be truly important in the years to come. Coaching is a tool to help identify and explore your real potential, remove the obstacles – physical or otherwise – that might be holding you back and give you the opportunity to really focus on what is important, as well as how to make it happen.
2020 is nearly upon us, which means it’s time to say goodbye to bad old habits, negative outlooks and anything that might have been holding you back – and to welcome in a new decade with a clear vision of what a bolder and brighter future really looks like for you.