I paused in the company of two friends and fellow coaches today. We commented that an hour together intentionally slowing down opened up so much for each of us, that we’re the better for. The only thing we really needed to do was to have the time in our diaries, and come to the hour ready to enter into the possibility it offered. We didn’t have any preconceived expectations beyond knowing that it would be an hour well spent. We took the time to arrive into the space, we took the 4’ silence which I include in any coaching or pause sessions I facilitate, and were then ready to talk, listen, and explore our thoughts. As there were only three of us, I joined in too. I have come away peaceful after frankly rather a difficult week for a range of reasons. As I talked a new idea began to emerge about where I belong and a connection back to a long forgotten love of history - I actually blushed that, of course, it’s obvious, as I have a history degree! It’s time to look back into that. A year ago I moved house, as I’ve talked about here before. I’ve taken my time with some things and am only now reading some of the letters that I’ve inherited which had been stowed in boxes. They may link me back to a part of my own family story that I don’t yet fully know about. It was so good not to rush.